Simplifying Your Data to Optimize Product Listings

Engineered tools that include AI categorization, custom rule editor, and text replace to list products quickly.

Learn how to use
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AI Categories with gmcfeed

Ai-Powered Categorization uses your product data information to help determine the best google_product_category to assign to your products. Our algorithm uses a combination of fields, i.e. Product Type, Title to match products to the correct Google category.

  • Match the field product_type to your internal category
  • Match the title to your product name/title
  • Select the AI icon to initiate the tool
  • While the process is not 100% you can adjust the categories manually in the interface after this tool has been applied.
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The Match feature provides a simple view into the imported data. You can then navigate to each field column you would like to map to the specific field found in your data. Results are loaded instantly.

  • Select the + to enable the column Match feature.
  • Navigate to the field
  • Select from the dropdown under the column to your data field
  • The grid loads instantly with your changes and auto-saves
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Custom Rules

The Custom Rules feature enables for quick data modification to multiple product listings. Our approach is unique in that we use a rule generator with a simple text input for efficiency. Examples of rules listed below.

  • Set [G]title to [D]Brand + [D]Name + [D]size
  • Set [G]custom_label_0 to products50+ when [D]price > 50
  • Exclude when [D]price < 20
  • Exclude when [D]title contains nike and [D]price < 10
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Text Replace Rules

The Text Replace Rules allow for multiple fields to be updated and edited at once. This process is done in our rule generator comparable to the custom rules. The rule is also case sensitive to correct capitalization. Examples of rules listed below.

  • Replace "free shipping" with "" in [G]description
  • Replace "Elegante" with "nike" in [G]title
  • Replace "BEST PRODUCT” with “best product” in [G]title
  • Replace "" with "" in [G]link
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Direct Cell Editing

The Direct Cell editing is a highly useful last data change that applies after any custom rule or ai categorization. This allows for the simplest approach to making single line-item changes to products for pin-point data accuracy.

  • Refine google_product_category matches
  • Independently adjust shipping_price on bulk items
  • Enter direct values for custom_label_0
  • Enter missing color/size for apparel items

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